Hidden Deck Fasteners

Attach your deck boards securely to the wooden frame without impacting its beauty. Get high-quality hidden deck fasteners for composite or wood decking.
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(14 Products)

For quick installation and consistent spacing throughout, the CAMO EDGE® Clips offer it all; available in packs of 90, 450, and 900.
from $56.66
Fasten your decking quicker than ever with the CAMO EDGEX® Clip; available in packs of 90, 450, and 900.
from $56.66
Edge Starter Clips by CAMO-25 pack
Trex Hidden Fasteners, such as the Trex Hideaway® Fastener system, create a smooth and clear composite deck surface.
from $34.99
Camo ProTech Hidden Deck Fasteners come in two material types and two size options.
from $47.86
Trex Hideaway® Stainless Steel Starter Clip
CAMO DRIVE™ Face Fastening Collated Composite Deck Screws - Brown - Packaging
from $192.48
Get your project finished quickly and efficiently with CAMO DRIVE™ Collated Edge Deck Screws.
from $115.19
Trex Hideaway® Universal Fastener Installation Tool and Hideaway Universal Hidden Fastener
The Cortex Concealed Fastening System for Trex Fascia includes a Counterbore Tool, TORX screw-setting tool, 100 epoxy-coated screws, and 105 color-matching plugs
from $72.89
A box of 90 WEDGEMETAL™ Clips covers 50 square feet of decking
from $69.99
Each box includes a T-15 driver bit for installation
from $68.99
Each kit includes 14 butt joint clips and a driver bit