Penofin Redwood All Heart



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Redwood All Heart by Penofin has all the benefits of Penofin's Ultra-Premium formula, but it is specially designed for redwood giving it a rich, dark mahogany-red color. This formula enhances the look of redwood by nourishing it with Brazilian Rosewood oil, penetrating deep into the wood highlighting the grain.

On average, you can expect Penofin to perform for 9-24 months on horizontal surfaces and 2-5 years on vertical surfaces. Please note that the time may vary depending on the amount of sunlight and weather exposure.

Penofin Exterior Hardwood Formula At-A-Glance:
- Specially formulated for Redwood
- 99% ultraviolet protection
- Made with Brazilian Rosewood Oil
- Deep penetration

Note: Because of VOC Laws, this product cannot be shipped to the following California counties: LA, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange County. For a zero VOC product, please view Penofin Verde.

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