Metal to Metal

Metal framing screws are the perfect option for heavy gauge steel construction. Get tough screws from Fasten Master, Screw Products, DeckWise, CAMO and more.
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(6 Products)

FastenMaster FlatLOK Structural Wood Screw - 500 Count - 2-7/8"
FastenMaster MVP Multi-Purpose Wood Screws
from $17.99
FastenMaster FlatLOK Structural Wood Screw - 250 Count
from $195.97
FastenMaster FlatLOK Structural Wood Screw - 200 Count - 6-3/4"
FastenMaster FlatLOK Structural Wood Screw - 50 Count
from $39.49
FastenMaster VersaLOK Structural Wood Screw - 50 Count
from $71.97