Metal to Metal

Metal framing screws are the perfect option for heavy gauge steel construction. Get tough screws from Fasten Master, Screw Products, DeckWise, CAMO and more.
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(12 Products)

Cortex Concealed Fastening System for Azek Trim - Screws, plugs & setting tool
from $169.99
FastenMaster Cortex for Azek Trim - 50 Linear Feet
from $31.47
FastenMaster Collated Cortex for Versatex Trim - 750 Linear Feet
from $376.17
FastenMaster Cortex for Versatex Trim - 750 Linear Feet
from $328.47
FastenMaster Cortex for Boral Trim - 250 Linear Feet
from $127.77
FastenMaster Cortex for Boral Trim - 750 Linear Feet
from $348.27
FastenMaster Cortex for Boral Trim -  50 Linear Feet
from $29.67
The Collated Cortex Hidden Fastening System for AZEK Trim by FastenMaster includes the Cortex plugs, installation screws, and Cortex setting tools.
from $182.99
TrapEase Composite Fascia Screws by FastenMaster
from $80.09
FastenMaster PAMFast AutoFeed Trim Head Copperhead Exterior Wood to Wood Screws - #8 x 2-1/2"
FastenMaster Cortex for Versatex Trim - 50 Linear Feet
from $30.57
FastenMaster Collated Cortex for Versatex Trim - 250 Linear Feet
from $139.47